Commission Info
Commissions are for personal use ONLY. All professional business inquiries can be directed towards me via email.Commission Status: [FULL] Work in ProgressPlease read commission terms at the bottom of the page before requesting a commission.*Prices listed are the STARTING BASE PRICE. Prices will vary depending on the complexity of the commission.
Will Do
- OC Art
- Fan Art
- Couples
- Animals
- D&D Characters
- Furry
- Mild NSFW (mild gore, body-horror, slight nudity)
- Simple/semi-complex backgrounds
Won't Do
- Major NSFW
- Heavily detailed/complex backgrounds
- Mecha/Mechanical Detailing
- Anything else I may be uncomfortable with :)

Flat-Color Example

Full-Color Example

*Bust Examples
Bust CommissionFlat Colors - $70 *
Full Colors - $90 *
Additional character +50%

*Half-body Examples
Half-Body CommissionFlat Colors - $100 *
Full Colors - $140 *
Additional character + 50%

*Full-body Example
Full-Body CommissionFlat Colors - $180 *
Full Colors - $220 *
Additional character +70%
Others Additions +$
Background - *price depends on complexity *
Props *
Commission Terms & Conditions
Commercial use of commission work , including NFTs, digital or physical assets is strictly prohibited.
Payment is done through Paypal and Venmo only. Payments are to be paid in full at the beginning of the commission work.
Requests for changes and revisions after the sketches and final drafting stages will incur additional fees.
Cancellation of a commission after sketches have been submitted will result in an 80% refund. Cancellation after the line-art stage will result in a 60% refund.
Upon completion of the commission, the final deliverable will be sent via email in either JPG or PNG format (as per your request.) Commissions are non-refundable.
Slots are first come first served.
Commission requests are submitted via Google survey. If I accept the project I'll email you! I reserve the right to decline/cancel a commission for any reason, including if I feel I'm not the right fit or am uncomfortable with it.
For commissions that are accepted, I will send periodic updates after each stage - sketch, line art, and color - for client approval.
The time taken to complete the work will depend on its complexity and my current schedule.
Simple backgrounds are free; Detailed backgrounds will incur an additional cost that varies based on complexity.
By ordering a commission from me, you agree to my terms of service. I reserve the right to take legal action if commission is used for anything apart from the initial agreement.